tx · 8Ls25SH2M8GihUr5wf1SjXmCYYw32eZNnnjCF8ZAxxZo

3PCeHozvvVGts9kH5Bat3PS6Z8ByTnvfsen:  +999999999 Love Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.11 23:17 [832379] issue 3PCeHozvvVGts9kH5Bat3PS6Z8ByTnvfsen > SELF +999999999 Love Coin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "8Ls25SH2M8GihUr5wf1SjXmCYYw32eZNnnjCF8ZAxxZo", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1515701845744, "version": 1, "sender": "3PCeHozvvVGts9kH5Bat3PS6Z8ByTnvfsen", "senderPublicKey": "6d89Ae327SeSHso4g5WchbAFL6bW3KQbt7QMzCFhJddC", "proofs": [ "3nZhJCqBTPUNqhNApAnhGdFPWgXosyyt4yWTSeDU8yDBQ2hApxNUUiocSMCNpzNYQQo6kka71Pbq65NdDK7WRw8E" ], "signature": "3nZhJCqBTPUNqhNApAnhGdFPWgXosyyt4yWTSeDU8yDBQ2hApxNUUiocSMCNpzNYQQo6kka71Pbq65NdDK7WRw8E", "assetId": "8Ls25SH2M8GihUr5wf1SjXmCYYw32eZNnnjCF8ZAxxZo", "name": "Love Coin", "quantity": 999999999, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "This will be the decentralized cryptocurrency made for easy access, secure peer to peer network. Love coin brings all individuals to basically understanding of how to store and spend this coins for daily use. Love coin wishes to promotes signal of LOVE to the world and those who have love within them should at least own LOVE coin to send to people they loved or buy things for people whom they loved. The LOVE Coins are intentionally craft with the world most magical prime number 9 in which no matter how you try add,subtract, multiply, or divide it will come back to the prime number of 9. \nWelcome the the crypto world of LOVE.", "height": 832379, "spentComplexity": 0 }

58.36 ms