tx · 3kse86Dkedqk3B2v9ZfRb7KzPGtUezHRRe7JpTQG38TK

3P5bZpiTRWfoWZ97chdZkG7XGbp7VVshfae:  -0.00100000 Waves

2023.04.18 16:20 [3605596] smart account 3P5bZpiTRWfoWZ97chdZkG7XGbp7VVshfae > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "3kse86Dkedqk3B2v9ZfRb7KzPGtUezHRRe7JpTQG38TK", "fee": 100000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1681824012496, "version": 1, "sender": "3P5bZpiTRWfoWZ97chdZkG7XGbp7VVshfae", "senderPublicKey": "HckLqtWeakdMGVmXcP2NyyjpgjqTkawzKiEvEfUReeXL", "proofs": [ "2W4ZL1nMD1cFEvGCv7LdsP9iQemyzoucKPaN2iHhhiMJTYDvnUTdLTS6zH73vmPtxhNmF4BV2BmDBrdR4L3CfDKj" ], "script": "base64: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", "chainId": 87, "height": 3605596, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: tDm5bYRQq7i316qAeTKuEeaUr5BbvEwmEobxPdBqoAR Next: 5hD3MyZE8VcGpXQYeTW2JYZ9AJsabmwntEThzEmPqN1f Full:
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-}
4-let a = base58'DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p'
4+let a = Address(base58'3P86ne9inVG1Cf4smrEGSdcXyBuEApPcMAc')
6-let b = base58'At8D6NFFpheCbvKVnjVoeLL84Eo8NZn6ovManxfLaFWL'
6+let b = Address(base58'3P4Yj2iQHLz7e7ntxmUf6efxetC5MZFqEzs')
8-let c = Address(base58'3P6gGsVQbD2xgmaNxN7Rj3arohPsBxvo5GC')
8+let c = base58'2thsACuHmzDMuNezPM32wg9a3BwUzBWDeSKakgz3cw21'
10-let d = Address(base58'3P5T88oGg47FEsJcpC2o43BSF34Bs5dcFpP')
12-let e = Address(base58'3P2cpE7nusQRRFt3Tg22WtKfdi6bUKwmqVM')
14-let f = Address(base58'3PC51qgNQz4xx7m1DhLdCDYESaeNKT6zeFt')
16-func g (h) = {
17- let i = h
18- if ($isInstanceOf(i, "List[Any]"))
10+func d (e) = {
11+ let f = e
12+ if ($isInstanceOf(f, "Int"))
1913 then {
20- let j = i
21- j
22- }
23- else throw("#err")
24- }
27-func k (h) = {
28- let i = h
29- if ($isInstanceOf(i, "Int"))
30- then {
31- let l = i
32- l
14+ let g = f
15+ g
3316 }
3417 else {
35- let m = i
18+ let h = f
3619 throw("#err")
3720 }
3821 }
42-func usdn_100 (o) = {
43- let p = assetBalance(this, a)
44- if ((p == p))
25+func unstake_power () = {
26+ let j = d(invoke(a, "userPower", [toString(this)], nil))
27+ if ((j == j))
4528 then {
46- let q = invoke(addressFromStringValue("3PCbvPVQfSvVu88ip8Fm5YjwJhjEYk1Txhk"), "withdrawVestedAllUSDN", [false, true], nil)
47- if ((q == q))
48- then {
49- let r = assetBalance(this, a)
50- if ((r == r))
51- then [ScriptTransfer(d, (r - p), a)]
52- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
53- }
29+ let k = invoke(a, "unstake", [j], nil)
30+ if ((k == k))
31+ then [ScriptTransfer(b, assetBalance(this, c), c)]
5432 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
5533 }
5634 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
5735 }
62-func surf (s) = if (if ((n.caller != c))
63- then (n.caller != this)
64- else false)
65- then throw("only admin can do")
66- else {
67- let t = g(invoke(addressFromStringValue("3P77iUusNwMMzWFdC8f7bftwpHyG1PBs1gq"), "calcNeutinoMetricsREADONLY", nil, nil))
68- let u = k(t[8])
69- if ((s > u))
70- then {
71- let q = invoke(Address(base58'3PCbvPVQfSvVu88ip8Fm5YjwJhjEYk1Txhk'), "withdrawVestedAllSURF", [false, true], nil)
72- if ((q == q))
73- then {
74- let v = assetBalance(this, b)
75-[ScriptTransfer(d, v, b)]
76- }
77- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
78- }
79- else throw(("br is bad. " + toString(u)))
80- }
85-func toVesting (w) = if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
86- then (n.originCaller != this)
87- else false)
88- then (n.originCaller != d)
89- else false)
90- then throw("only admin can do")
91- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
92- then throw("bad payment")
93- else {
94- let x = n.payments[0].amount
95- let y = n.payments[0].assetId
96- let z = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "repay", [w], [AttachedPayment(y, x)])
97- if ((z == z))
98- then {
99- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PCbvPVQfSvVu88ip8Fm5YjwJhjEYk1Txhk'), "convertToUSDN", nil, nil)
100- if ((A == A))
101- then {
102- let B = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw", ["DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p", -1], nil)
103- if ((B == B))
104- then {
105- let C = assetBalance(this, value(y))
106- if ((C == C))
107- then [ScriptTransfer(d, C, y), ScriptTransfer(e, assetBalance(this, a), a)]
108- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
109- }
110- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
111- }
112- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
113- }
114- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
115- }
120-func rewards_vesting (D) = if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
121- then (n.originCaller != this)
122- else false)
123- then throw("only admin can do")
124- else {
125- let E = if ((D == "3PC51qgNQz4xx7m1DhLdCDYESaeNKT6zeFt"))
126- then f
127- else e
128- let p = assetBalance(this, a)
129- if ((p == p))
130- then {
131- let q = invoke(addressFromStringValue("3PKZk5TdPCLP2GZviipLFfK46ExTnwkRCBd"), "claimRewards", nil, nil)
132- if ((q == q))
133- then {
134- let r = assetBalance(this, a)
135- if ((r == r))
136- then [ScriptTransfer(E, (r - p), a)]
137- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
138- }
139- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
140- }
141- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
142- }
147-func import_lp () = if (if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
148- then (n.originCaller != this)
149- else false)
150- then (n.originCaller != d)
151- else false)
152- then (n.originCaller != e)
153- else false)
154- then throw("only admin can do")
155- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
156- then throw("bad payment")
157- else {
158- let x = n.payments[0].amount
159- let y = n.payments[0].assetId
160- let q = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "replenishWithAtoken", nil, n.payments)
161- if ((q == q))
162- then nil
163- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
164- }
169-func itsmine (F,G,h,H,s,I) = if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
170- then (n.originCaller != this)
171- else false)
172- then (n.originCaller != d)
173- else false)
174- then throw("only admin can do")
175- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
176- then throw("bad payment")
177- else {
178- let J = n.payments[0].amount
179- let K = n.payments[0].assetId
180- if ((K != a))
181- then throw("bad deposit asset")
182- else {
183- let z = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "deposit", ["3PCwFXSq8vj8iKitA5zrrLRbuqehfmimpce", true], [AttachedPayment(K, J)])
184- if ((z == z))
185- then {
186- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PJ6iR5X1PT2rZcNmbqByKuh7k8mtj5wVGw'), "transferDebt", [F, G, h, H], nil)
187- if ((A == A))
188- then {
189- let L = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
190- if ((L == L))
191- then {
192- let B = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw", [s, -1], nil)
193- if ((B == B))
194- then {
195- let C = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
196- if ((C == C))
197- then if ((I == 0))
198- then throw(toString((C - L)))
199- else if ((I > (C - L)))
200- then throw("low")
201- else [ScriptTransfer(n.caller, (C - L), fromBase58String(s))]
202- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
203- }
204- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
205- }
206- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
207- }
208- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
209- }
210- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
211- }
212- }
217-func itsminewi (F,G,h,H,s,I) = if (if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
218- then (n.originCaller != this)
219- else false)
220- then (n.originCaller != d)
221- else false)
222- then (n.originCaller != e)
223- else false)
224- then throw("only admin can do")
225- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
226- then throw("bad payment")
227- else {
228- let x = n.payments[0].amount
229- let y = n.payments[0].assetId
230- let z = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "replenishWithAtoken", nil, n.payments)
231- if ((z == z))
232- then {
233- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PJ6iR5X1PT2rZcNmbqByKuh7k8mtj5wVGw'), "transferDebt", [F, G, h, H], nil)
234- if ((A == A))
235- then {
236- let L = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
237- if ((L == L))
238- then {
239- let B = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw", [s, -1], nil)
240- if ((B == B))
241- then {
242- let C = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
243- if ((C == C))
244- then if ((I == 0))
245- then throw(toString((C - L)))
246- else if ((I > (C - L)))
247- then throw("low")
248- else [ScriptTransfer(n.caller, (C - L), fromBase58String(s))]
249- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
250- }
251- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
252- }
253- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
254- }
255- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
256- }
257- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
258- }
263-func itsminewod (F,G,h,H,s,I) = if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
264- then (n.originCaller != this)
265- else false)
266- then (n.originCaller != d)
267- else false)
268- then throw("only admin can do")
269- else if ((1 != 1))
270- then throw("bad payment")
271- else if ((1 != 1))
272- then throw("bad deposit asset")
273- else {
274- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PJ6iR5X1PT2rZcNmbqByKuh7k8mtj5wVGw'), "transferDebt", [F, G, h, H], nil)
275- if ((A == A))
276- then {
277- let L = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
278- if ((L == L))
279- then {
280- let B = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw", [s, -1], nil)
281- if ((B == B))
282- then {
283- let C = assetBalance(this, fromBase58String(s))
284- if ((C == C))
285- then if ((I == 0))
286- then throw(toString((C - L)))
287- else if ((I > (C - L)))
288- then throw("low")
289- else [ScriptTransfer(n.caller, (C - L), fromBase58String(s))]
290- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
291- }
292- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
293- }
294- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
295- }
296- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
297- }
302-func liq (F,G,h,H) = if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
303- then (n.originCaller != this)
304- else false)
305- then (n.originCaller != d)
306- else false)
307- then throw("only admin can do")
308- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
309- then throw("bad payment")
310- else {
311- let J = n.payments[0].amount
312- let K = n.payments[0].assetId
313- if ((K != a))
314- then throw("bad deposit asset")
315- else {
316- let z = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "deposit", ["3PCwFXSq8vj8iKitA5zrrLRbuqehfmimpce", true], [AttachedPayment(K, J)])
317- if ((z == z))
318- then {
319- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PJ6iR5X1PT2rZcNmbqByKuh7k8mtj5wVGw'), "transferDebt", [F, G, h, H], nil)
320- if ((A == A))
321- then nil
322- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
323- }
324- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
325- }
326- }
331-func repay () = if (if (if ((n.originCaller != c))
332- then (n.originCaller != this)
333- else false)
334- then (n.originCaller != d)
335- else false)
336- then throw("only admin can do")
337- else if ((size(n.payments) != 1))
338- then throw("bad payment")
339- else {
340- let x = n.payments[0].amount
341- let y = n.payments[0].assetId
342- let z = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "repay", ["3PPdeWwrzaxqgr6BuReoF3sWfxW8SYv743D"], [AttachedPayment(y, x)])
343- if ((z == z))
344- then {
345- let A = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw2", ["3PN1LXdwuFWH3paF3fpMNCWk7oWRzXCeMSC", -1], nil)
346- if ((A == A))
347- then {
348- let B = invoke(Address(base58'3PAZv9tgK1PX7dKR7b4kchq5qdpUS3G5sYT'), "withdraw2", ["3PCwFXSq8vj8iKitA5zrrLRbuqehfmimpce", -1], nil)
349- if ((B == B))
350- then [ScriptTransfer(n.caller, assetBalance(this, value(y)), y), ScriptTransfer(n.caller, assetBalance(this, fromBase58String("6XtHjpXbs9RRJP2Sr9GUyVqzACcby9TkThHXnjVC5CDJ")), fromBase58String("6XtHjpXbs9RRJP2Sr9GUyVqzACcby9TkThHXnjVC5CDJ")), ScriptTransfer(n.caller, assetBalance(this, fromBase58String("DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p")), fromBase58String("DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p"))]
351- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
352- }
353- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
354- }
355- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
356- }

75.46 ms