tx · Ga1Q8eU5VFrzCoedMpGwBDY2tNKS65UKBkDgpTsroYhn

3PD2SuqYYAn1H8PEvGyAy3CwcJ5aFQPXuFH:  -0.01000000 Waves

2023.02.22 14:06 [3526276] smart account 3PD2SuqYYAn1H8PEvGyAy3CwcJ5aFQPXuFH > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

{ "type": 13, "id": "Ga1Q8eU5VFrzCoedMpGwBDY2tNKS65UKBkDgpTsroYhn", "fee": 1000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1677064030354, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3PD2SuqYYAn1H8PEvGyAy3CwcJ5aFQPXuFH", "senderPublicKey": "D2VWdxauShoY8DNmLSNEbwvBkknQnaTBxvhC7r937yuJ", "proofs": [ "4ceZ2LApLrFPiGzoDNZNPQestiUBSNSQzxVHbif42iMDBvzqJZmzTCu312KCwH9dxTLEKZvDjgW4Q3rdQshPcKCb" ], "script": "base64:BgIECAISAAABAWkBAncxAAQEaW52MQkA/AcECQEHQWRkcmVzcwEBGgFXl2x/HVJwa1dUQ5BMvkeO/PoIjbNcXtZDAgh3aXRoZHJhdwkAzAgCAAEFA25pbAUDbmlsAwkAAAIFBGludjEFBGludjEFA25pbAkAAgECJFN0cmljdCB2YWx1ZSBpcyBub3QgZXF1YWwgdG8gaXRzZWxmLgA4rvV0", "height": 3526276, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 } View: original | compacted Prev: EVXLPfeKubwwVRyUT7bWe8udxX4KfUwnmnWaxKqaMQyQ Next: none Diff:
66 @Callable(a)
77 func w1 () = {
8- let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PDaawsaiHq8AtfpjURewEW4brmw6WVZD21'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
8+ let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PFjYjgf2s8W781vwtdVrDULDNpsHThy6PL'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
99 if ((b == b))
10- then {
11- let c = invoke(Address(base58'3PQnQDzoFSpto4YA8KfkmX7d7uxf5uzCA87'), "withdraw", [2], nil)
12- if ((c == c))
13- then {
14- let d = invoke(Address(base58'3PMHRk8492po1wyyrtqQm8s4hDb29SLmEx1'), "withdraw", [3], nil)
15- if ((d == d))
16- then {
17- let e = invoke(Address(base58'3PBx74uqnRwRkLEJxoGGYx9zQ1aaQnMQx2A'), "withdraw", [4], nil)
18- if ((e == e))
19- then {
20- let f = invoke(Address(base58'3P8FKkfj7UGNtCNUmLvqevi7En59BiZFA8y'), "withdraw", [5], nil)
21- if ((f == f))
22- then nil
23- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
24- }
25- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
26- }
27- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
28- }
29- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
30- }
31- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
32- }
37-func w2 () = {
38- let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PDaawsaiHq8AtfpjURewEW4brmw6WVZD21'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
39- if ((b == b))
40- then {
41- let c = invoke(Address(base58'3PQnQDzoFSpto4YA8KfkmX7d7uxf5uzCA87'), "withdraw", [2], nil)
42- if ((c == c))
43- then {
44- let d = invoke(Address(base58'3PFjYjgf2s8W781vwtdVrDULDNpsHThy6PL'), "withdraw", [3], nil)
45- if ((d == d))
46- then {
47- let e = invoke(Address(base58'3PBx74uqnRwRkLEJxoGGYx9zQ1aaQnMQx2A'), "withdraw", [4], nil)
48- if ((e == e))
49- then {
50- let f = invoke(Address(base58'3P8FKkfj7UGNtCNUmLvqevi7En59BiZFA8y'), "withdraw", [5], nil)
51- if ((f == f))
52- then nil
53- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
54- }
55- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
56- }
57- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
58- }
59- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
60- }
10+ then nil
6111 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
6212 }
11 {-# STDLIB_VERSION 6 #-}
66 @Callable(a)
77 func w1 () = {
8- let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PDaawsaiHq8AtfpjURewEW4brmw6WVZD21'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
8+ let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PFjYjgf2s8W781vwtdVrDULDNpsHThy6PL'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
99 if ((b == b))
10- then {
11- let c = invoke(Address(base58'3PQnQDzoFSpto4YA8KfkmX7d7uxf5uzCA87'), "withdraw", [2], nil)
12- if ((c == c))
13- then {
14- let d = invoke(Address(base58'3PMHRk8492po1wyyrtqQm8s4hDb29SLmEx1'), "withdraw", [3], nil)
15- if ((d == d))
16- then {
17- let e = invoke(Address(base58'3PBx74uqnRwRkLEJxoGGYx9zQ1aaQnMQx2A'), "withdraw", [4], nil)
18- if ((e == e))
19- then {
20- let f = invoke(Address(base58'3P8FKkfj7UGNtCNUmLvqevi7En59BiZFA8y'), "withdraw", [5], nil)
21- if ((f == f))
22- then nil
23- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
24- }
25- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
26- }
27- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
28- }
29- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
30- }
31- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
32- }
37-func w2 () = {
38- let b = invoke(Address(base58'3PDaawsaiHq8AtfpjURewEW4brmw6WVZD21'), "withdraw", [1], nil)
39- if ((b == b))
40- then {
41- let c = invoke(Address(base58'3PQnQDzoFSpto4YA8KfkmX7d7uxf5uzCA87'), "withdraw", [2], nil)
42- if ((c == c))
43- then {
44- let d = invoke(Address(base58'3PFjYjgf2s8W781vwtdVrDULDNpsHThy6PL'), "withdraw", [3], nil)
45- if ((d == d))
46- then {
47- let e = invoke(Address(base58'3PBx74uqnRwRkLEJxoGGYx9zQ1aaQnMQx2A'), "withdraw", [4], nil)
48- if ((e == e))
49- then {
50- let f = invoke(Address(base58'3P8FKkfj7UGNtCNUmLvqevi7En59BiZFA8y'), "withdraw", [5], nil)
51- if ((f == f))
52- then nil
53- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
54- }
55- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
56- }
57- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
58- }
59- else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
60- }
10+ then nil
6111 else throw("Strict value is not equal to itself.")
6212 }

29.82 ms