3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_29Tjj8BjmgnSYSfgiEwk7RBAVoK4eNzCDBJSjyYiB4be_3PQU2Xu1AxACkh6T3JtH9rmrD4cZQKTDZpP
    "art_desc_29Tjj8BjmgnSYSfgiEwk7RBAVoK4eNzCDBJSjyYiB4be_3PQU2Xu1AxACkh6T3JtH9rmrD4cZQKTDZpP": "Millefeuilles is a laminated or puffed up construction, consisting of 4 individual reels. Each reel investigates the artificial voxelated landscape on a different scale. Millefeuilles capable of placating flexibility, lightness, and superposition. In it, the construction of micro and macro systems extend the concept of “size and scale”, but brings it’s unique non-tangible sensitivity towards self-destruction. As Galilei Gallileo said; “Believing that artificial machines are feasible and preservable from the biggest to the smallest, without suffering specific modifications is in fact, a manifest error. For example, small pinnacles, columns and other solid shapes, surely could be distended and curled without the risk of getting broken, while at the same time increasing proportionately in size, they could be smashed to pieces for reasons other than their own weight.”"


    "2021.11.14 01:27": "Millefeuilles is a laminated or puffed up construction, consisting of 4 individual reels. Each reel investigates the artificial voxelated landscape on a different scale. Millefeuilles capable of placating flexibility, lightness, and superposition. In it, the construction of micro and macro systems extend the concept of “size and scale”, but brings it’s unique non-tangible sensitivity towards self-destruction. As Galilei Gallileo said; “Believing that artificial machines are feasible and preservable from the biggest to the smallest, without suffering specific modifications is in fact, a manifest error. For example, small pinnacles, columns and other solid shapes, surely could be distended and curled without the risk of getting broken, while at the same time increasing proportionately in size, they could be smashed to pieces for reasons other than their own weight.”"

9.62 ms