3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_32tY887jEEsewrMbAeHmJHW3WyzeTzeTAp7dZifF3x3o_3P29AsZh3W43KgfQ4UFWHrfzkJhLbdsy92S
    "art_desc_32tY887jEEsewrMbAeHmJHW3WyzeTzeTAp7dZifF3x3o_3P29AsZh3W43KgfQ4UFWHrfzkJhLbdsy92S": "This is the second piece of my UNITY series, in which I mix two personalities apparently distant from each other.

The artwork was entirely made out of an image of Mao Tse-tung combined with one  of Mark Zuckerberg, using my "transfiguration" technique which involves cloning the images thousands of times, blending them in wild ways, using them like they were paint. 

Stratification after stratification I have reached this rather surreal result, which I find both enigmatic and meaningful...

My UNITY series is exclusive to SIGN Art and collectable as unique edition in Waves. The first piece, "Donald Ocasio Cortez" is already gone."


    "2021.02.13 00:32": "This is the second piece of my UNITY series, in which I mix two personalities apparently distant from each other.

The artwork was entirely made out of an image of Mao Tse-tung combined with one  of Mark Zuckerberg, using my "transfiguration" technique which involves cloning the images thousands of times, blending them in wild ways, using them like they were paint. 

Stratification after stratification I have reached this rather surreal result, which I find both enigmatic and meaningful...

My UNITY series is exclusive to SIGN Art and collectable as unique edition in Waves. The first piece, "Donald Ocasio Cortez" is already gone."

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