3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_3g9CqFRr2MkpD3ffqWyjrVPZYDyBtp8jeWhNNqDW3vqd_3PHkTXyguCQ1xdXcES1nFEkktZch87XB1s6
    "art_desc_3g9CqFRr2MkpD3ffqWyjrVPZYDyBtp8jeWhNNqDW3vqd_3PHkTXyguCQ1xdXcES1nFEkktZch87XB1s6": "Marilyn's return to the southwest corner of Lexington Avenue and 52nd street.  This is #1 of what will be a common Punk Dorky Series.. "Marilyn""


    "2021.04.21 17:57": "Marilyn's return to the southwest corner of Lexington Avenue and 52nd street.  This is #1 of what will be a common Punk Dorky Series.. "Marilyn""

2.05 ms