3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_8AWLhnjZS34i6P2qnhxS4Bdi9XXBz8g9TWn18z2Vm8R5_3PAnJbcx1pjYk2QaSqLRpZynEPcTK3i3ei1
    "art_desc_8AWLhnjZS34i6P2qnhxS4Bdi9XXBz8g9TWn18z2Vm8R5_3PAnJbcx1pjYk2QaSqLRpZynEPcTK3i3ei1": "The illustration for the poem 'Pitying the Dead' is about a ghost that sees a young girl who is consumed by a vampires and when the vampires become aware of the ghost, they consume the ghost too... The black and white illustration from Disquiet Milk is in the modern gothic style.

"In a statue park, a glowing thing
And I saw a wicked happening

It was a girl
A child of nine
Sand silk blonde 
In youth divine"



    "2021.05.03 13:37": "The illustration for the poem 'Pitying the Dead' is about a ghost that sees a young girl who is consumed by a vampires and when the vampires become aware of the ghost, they consume the ghost too... The black and white illustration from Disquiet Milk is in the modern gothic style.

"In a statue park, a glowing thing
And I saw a wicked happening

It was a girl
A child of nine
Sand silk blonde 
In youth divine"


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