3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_AiTGp7WLNoW6s5ruY9zkRdh86TA4oBv8muM3pkiVvCCE_3PAnJbcx1pjYk2QaSqLRpZynEPcTK3i3ei1
    "art_desc_AiTGp7WLNoW6s5ruY9zkRdh86TA4oBv8muM3pkiVvCCE_3PAnJbcx1pjYk2QaSqLRpZynEPcTK3i3ei1": "The illustration 'Picked Apart' for the poem by the same name is about torn wings. The man notices around him and sees countless others shot down, "wingless as me" each tortured, flight all removed and yet in spite of the horror, in the poem, he still manages to stand and walk... The man crumpled to the ground with wings torn is a type of invisible horror we all come to experience one time or another... The black and white illustration from Disquiet Milk is in the modern gothic style.

"Then armies 
Of ants began
To steal my wings
In thrums and beats
My spectacular wings

           were picked apart...""


    "2021.04.29 13:18": "The illustration 'Picked Apart' for the poem by the same name is about torn wings. The man notices around him and sees countless others shot down, "wingless as me" each tortured, flight all removed and yet in spite of the horror, in the poem, he still manages to stand and walk... The man crumpled to the ground with wings torn is a type of invisible horror we all come to experience one time or another... The black and white illustration from Disquiet Milk is in the modern gothic style.

"Then armies 
Of ants began
To steal my wings
In thrums and beats
My spectacular wings

           were picked apart...""

9.06 ms