3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_B53qLNeprrr22kDMYJxjN1Gp7vuTvLVuxRoepiqakUtN_3P2JLW5eNBAYk2gmXMyPYdo7qza5GG8RKRA
    "art_desc_B53qLNeprrr22kDMYJxjN1Gp7vuTvLVuxRoepiqakUtN_3P2JLW5eNBAYk2gmXMyPYdo7qza5GG8RKRA": "The Lord from The Jeduck Temple community by EducacionGrafica. In collaboration with Penda Ink. A work with vision by our friends. Please, check and buy his art work in Sig Art https://mainnet.sign-art.app/user/3PFKVwS8VaG9QgKPAKKAdu18HTKJD4C2Zm7

This piece of art that is something that you can always wear!. By minting this art you can print a free T-shirt with NFT on it. Please complete this form. https://forms.gle/qhXqYaRGqGGHuJqBA to coordinate delivery or contact @misterpks in Telegram.

"The masked Duck or The Lord" is one of the main characters created by "The Jeduck Temple" nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but his main mission is that one day he can become a Waves Ducks Jackpot! https://twitter.com/TheJeduckTemple"


    "2022.10.10 20:52": "The Lord from The Jeduck Temple community by EducacionGrafica. In collaboration with Penda Ink. A work with vision by our friends. Please, check and buy his art work in Sig Art https://mainnet.sign-art.app/user/3PFKVwS8VaG9QgKPAKKAdu18HTKJD4C2Zm7

This piece of art that is something that you can always wear!. By minting this art you can print a free T-shirt with NFT on it. Please complete this form. https://forms.gle/qhXqYaRGqGGHuJqBA to coordinate delivery or contact @misterpks in Telegram.

"The masked Duck or The Lord" is one of the main characters created by "The Jeduck Temple" nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but his main mission is that one day he can become a Waves Ducks Jackpot! https://twitter.com/TheJeduckTemple"

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