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    "art_desc_CkgV8LyXQSQBHK31UFc6F4iCYcuBeumdcwqcmyatCUH9_3PHJxXqBnhjFwFB5LHAbWEzWuYPofMdhc8R": null


    "2023.02.05 17:13": null,
    "2021.04.26 21:40": "I have been a long term admirer of Wassily Kandinsky's  work. He is one of the pioneers of abstract art and I have been a fan of his work since the first time I saw "Thirty". "Thirty" is one of the rarest black and white work of Kandinsky. To honor his work I have tried to come up with my own interpretation of black and white abstract art to pay tribute to Wassily Kandinsky. I hope you like it. 
Twenty Five, is a 5 X 5 box with a size of 50 cm X 50 cm digital painting which includes shapes from my own imagination. "

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