3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_FrufvmgixsiE3ka974ZsiWgXHrBAdSfbpqtaUNSKwi7V_3P4LrbCR23wU863HToNwkCUwfXioiZyxmig
    "art_desc_FrufvmgixsiE3ka974ZsiWgXHrBAdSfbpqtaUNSKwi7V_3P4LrbCR23wU863HToNwkCUwfXioiZyxmig": null


    "2021.06.15 23:12": null,
    "2021.06.15 23:03": "Scanned and croped from crayon and scraps of paint over paper. Digitized version of the artist's early artworks. CRIA's leisure on the beach.

Escaneado e cortado de giz de cera e resos de tinta PVA sobre papel. Versão digitalizada de um dos trabalhos iniciais da artista. Lazer de CRIA na praia."

2.26 ms