3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_GgoeYf5voY2L2Xf3XYoRnb1GVgSXppDZQ1NkfccGwW7v_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz
    "art_desc_GgoeYf5voY2L2Xf3XYoRnb1GVgSXppDZQ1NkfccGwW7v_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz": null


    "2021.10.11 07:13": null,
    "2021.07.06 09:07": "Originally created as a fractal work in Mandelbulb3d, this was composed in photoshop to produce a gaming style background. A series is forthcoming. 

JPG File available for buyers on request.
    "2021.07.06 09:00": "Originally created as a fractal work in Mandelbulb3d, the was composed in photoshop to produce a gaming style background. A series is forthcoming. "

1.75 ms