3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_HAKGpTo9pemmwzwVYUvUYKGiikGwjb6BmQbBpt3fYQNq_3P3JF4pETgPosJeMo9gpNJ5F2WWuuGWAijr
    "art_desc_HAKGpTo9pemmwzwVYUvUYKGiikGwjb6BmQbBpt3fYQNq_3P3JF4pETgPosJeMo9gpNJ5F2WWuuGWAijr": "This artwork is about happiness which can be included inside a such simple things like a letter. This is my message to you. It should be opened when you need a good portion of positive!"


    "2021.12.01 12:11": "This artwork is about happiness which can be included inside a such simple things like a letter. This is my message to you. It should be opened when you need a good portion of positive!"

2.60 ms