3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_RsKfqYQZNMiyLKuheDQ9WwAbSfc6M9kJqKnyqjykBTd_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz
    "art_desc_RsKfqYQZNMiyLKuheDQ9WwAbSfc6M9kJqKnyqjykBTd_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz": "A new creaton in my animated, trippy ABSTRACTION collection.
Second of a colorful, intense voyage of discovery into the Cinema4D world of morphing weird and wonderful objects and showing their journey alongside a fractal universe backdrop. The coloring applied to the objects involved, are from a digital art creation I made about 7 years ago.... Thus, making use of previously created works and releasing new life into my old creations... "


    "2021.10.03 09:37": "A new creaton in my animated, trippy ABSTRACTION collection.
Second of a colorful, intense voyage of discovery into the Cinema4D world of morphing weird and wonderful objects and showing their journey alongside a fractal universe backdrop. The coloring applied to the objects involved, are from a digital art creation I made about 7 years ago.... Thus, making use of previously created works and releasing new life into my old creations... "

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