3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_name_VdPJEHRE7t7oe8sfEZzpBSCGLZcDUBxYi9vBiRWhHQo_3PCTRGTXSB3zHi81pko8h8YfPJ4nza7oXt6
    "art_name_VdPJEHRE7t7oe8sfEZzpBSCGLZcDUBxYi9vBiRWhHQo_3PCTRGTXSB3zHi81pko8h8YfPJ4nza7oXt6": "Maybe both of them would have changed their lives, if they were without phones."


    "2022.03.29 20:16": "Maybe both of them would have changed their lives, if they were without phones.",
    "2022.03.29 20:16": "Maybe both of them would have changed their lives, if they were without phones.",
    "2022.02.11 12:20": "Maybe both of them would have changed their lives, if they were without phones.",
    "2022.02.11 12:11": "Maybe both of them would have changed their lives, if they were without phones."

3.00 ms