3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG · data · auction_CvXpLGLD3AvianUdrhMauUWkZ49WSLf5sYogznZsg2rY9770_description
    "auction_CvXpLGLD3AvianUdrhMauUWkZ49WSLf5sYogznZsg2rY9770_description": "This Jackpot Duck will be remembered as one of the most relevant ducks ever, as Waves 2.0 is going to transform the Crypto Space. This is your chance to have a 100% rarity, 0.5 EGGxMonth production duck that represents the new Era for Waves."


    "2022.03.21 23:03": "This Jackpot Duck will be remembered as one of the most relevant ducks ever, as Waves 2.0 is going to transform the Crypto Space. This is your chance to have a 100% rarity, 0.5 EGGxMonth production duck that represents the new Era for Waves."

4.39 ms