3PGSWDgad4RtceQYXBpq2x73mXLRJYLRqRP · data · user_desc_3P3KfKTB4Xw1CWEAyGujhrgmzHcjomkE1id
    "user_desc_3P3KfKTB4Xw1CWEAyGujhrgmzHcjomkE1id": "I am an artist from Siberia, living in Moscow.  I paint oils and mixed media paintings. Now I share my digital art. Reflections on the topic of ecology permeate my work.  Here you will find conceptual peace of art with fabulous women) …It is about Nature’s soul and not only.
I love hiking in the mountains!)"


    "2022.05.12 19:31": "I am an artist from Siberia, living in Moscow.  I paint oils and mixed media paintings. Now I share my digital art. Reflections on the topic of ecology permeate my work.  Here you will find conceptual peace of art with fabulous women) …It is about Nature’s soul and not only.
I love hiking in the mountains!)"

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