3PGSWDgad4RtceQYXBpq2x73mXLRJYLRqRP · data · user_desc_3PDLuHaDt9WzyXeJj1dP3SLTa2q1zMqUPhB
    "user_desc_3PDLuHaDt9WzyXeJj1dP3SLTa2q1zMqUPhB": "@RobertHouseArt is an optical and light engineer of 20+ years harnessing light for technical and aesethetic control using complex freeform and rigorous equation based modeling and desisgn techniques.  He has taught 1,000+ students and attendees at global conferences and has turned this passion for lighting design and teaching into creativity in the digital arts."


    "2021.02.02 01:25": "@RobertHouseArt is an optical and light engineer of 20+ years harnessing light for technical and aesethetic control using complex freeform and rigorous equation based modeling and desisgn techniques.  He has taught 1,000+ students and attendees at global conferences and has turned this passion for lighting design and teaching into creativity in the digital arts."

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