3PJUgThZstRRseuZZKnxdAvfG1N9uxK33aX · data · tasks_3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu_hash
    "tasks_3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu_hash": "{   "type": 16,   "version": 2,   "senderPublicKey": "3ZAthfpo6CdeveGargTozjMXM6BJkeHhFSKUgjSNiG3x",   "dApp": "3PPPep1YYKkq7hbrjb1ATLPyXhJh9oZRdJX",   "call": {     "args": [       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "There will be two opposing tokens on the market: the Light Side and the Dark Side. Users will have to make a choice... Good or evil... Yin or yang.. Jedi or Sith.. If the owner of the token holds, for example, Light Side, then no one should say that he is a bad person and vice versa, do not reproach the owner Dark Side, in that he doesn't lend money - he's on the dark side... Who wants to know the price of goodness?"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "[email protected]"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "D"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "Dark Side Token"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": ""       }     ],     "function": "addProposal"   },   "payment": [],   "fee": "500000",   "feeAssetId": null,   "timestamp": 1644842906518,   "chainId": 87,   "proofs": [],   "id": "36p34zFEv9YVxYwuvrdvQvzCVzxYyTqxH7HcPW1SKnBw" } Reject Confirm"


    "2022.03.31 16:31": "{   "type": 16,   "version": 2,   "senderPublicKey": "3ZAthfpo6CdeveGargTozjMXM6BJkeHhFSKUgjSNiG3x",   "dApp": "3PPPep1YYKkq7hbrjb1ATLPyXhJh9oZRdJX",   "call": {     "args": [       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "There will be two opposing tokens on the market: the Light Side and the Dark Side. Users will have to make a choice... Good or evil... Yin or yang.. Jedi or Sith.. If the owner of the token holds, for example, Light Side, then no one should say that he is a bad person and vice versa, do not reproach the owner Dark Side, in that he doesn't lend money - he's on the dark side... Who wants to know the price of goodness?"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "[email protected]"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "D"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "Dark Side Token"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": ""       }     ],     "function": "addProposal"   },   "payment": [],   "fee": "500000",   "feeAssetId": null,   "timestamp": 1644842906518,   "chainId": 87,   "proofs": [],   "id": "36p34zFEv9YVxYwuvrdvQvzCVzxYyTqxH7HcPW1SKnBw" } Reject Confirm",
    "2022.03.30 20:28": "{   "type": 16,   "version": 2,   "senderPublicKey": "3ZAthfpo6CdeveGargTozjMXM6BJkeHhFSKUgjSNiG3x",   "dApp": "3PPPep1YYKkq7hbrjb1ATLPyXhJh9oZRdJX",   "call": {     "args": [       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "There will be two opposing tokens on the market: the Light Side and the Dark Side. Users will have to make a choice... Good or evil... Yin or yang.. Jedi or Sith.. If the owner of the token holds, for example, Light Side, then no one should say that he is a bad person and vice versa, do not reproach the owner Dark Side, in that he doesn't lend money - he's on the dark side... Who wants to know the price of goodness?"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "[email protected]"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "3iywNPRLfqGHvGCtiFzuZXqSg1ec62EJazdMuviHXkTu"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "D"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": "Dark Side Token"       },       {         "type": "string",         "value": ""       }     ],     "function": "addProposal"   },   "payment": [],   "fee": "500000",   "feeAssetId": null,   "timestamp": 1644842906518,   "chainId": 87,   "proofs": [],   "id": "36p34zFEv9YVxYwuvrdvQvzCVzxYyTqxH7HcPW1SKnBw" } Reject Confirm"

1.80 ms