tx · 23Nu9GSSzGJ98kYiDrt7FXDWmSu94VRYF6TzHAUKfFXn

3PNCAybd1tM36zVRzqbrNPrGqPo96E7Nn42:  +21000000.00000000 ORGANON
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.12.07 00:16 [2361026] issue 3PNCAybd1tM36zVRzqbrNPrGqPo96E7Nn42 > SELF +21000000.00000000 ORGANON

{ "type": 3, "id": "23Nu9GSSzGJ98kYiDrt7FXDWmSu94VRYF6TzHAUKfFXn", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1607289398142, "version": 2, "sender": "3PNCAybd1tM36zVRzqbrNPrGqPo96E7Nn42", "senderPublicKey": "GrgJ7B2gFkc4LaMesWXRCMGNRzEis2LMgzbbCJ6wotf4", "proofs": [ "4s2qppKjUnSAwMj5japxYVUpmAPf1PKbsoqCGTj3mogLdTGPzsewm6kCTnGmQBtRcQgeXwWN4TGKPKgFSsipwf68" ], "assetId": "23Nu9GSSzGJ98kYiDrt7FXDWmSu94VRYF6TzHAUKfFXn", "name": "ORGANON", "quantity": 2100000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Organon, a system of principles, whereby knowledge may be established.\nWe preset you new token that is supported by project development.\n\nOur passion for excellence has driven us from the beginning, and continues to drive us into the future. The team at ORGANON knows that every day counts, and strives to make the entire trading experience as rewarding and fun as possible.\n\nAs we develope we will also have zoom meetings to inform you about our progress and succes. For now i can tell you that we will also have online store where you will be able to buy products and later through develompent stages we will also create our own crypto wallet and our system with exchange. This is system where you will be able to do alot with Organon token. You will also have the opportunity to build your own network.\nWe will constantly work on better future! \nBecome a part of this evolution.\n\nYou can check our official web site to keep up to date.\n\nW: https://www.organontoken.com/", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2361026, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

16.22 ms