tx · FDLy2nrmPw8ksc5om25ZCi7Gyy7t1tYfajg6fGGhifkB

3PQmyYiR4b2JZzAZLy14hoGvAYRxZBnLkrY:  +100000.00000000 DebbarmaCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.05.21 11:44 [2599843] issue 3PQmyYiR4b2JZzAZLy14hoGvAYRxZBnLkrY > SELF +100000.00000000 DebbarmaCoin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "FDLy2nrmPw8ksc5om25ZCi7Gyy7t1tYfajg6fGGhifkB", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1621586726290, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQmyYiR4b2JZzAZLy14hoGvAYRxZBnLkrY", "senderPublicKey": "DFhf4nGz5BeEg7ihS6NXMrEZhbjhRGGnr4vKLHUuzad9", "proofs": [ "5Xo7aXz54PqHxz5smuKj46uUcwGqg9g9EMaJrHgQ17ALUTjN8vG56yuonDrosr5Tp42cAbvFPdw7PZ5xrYAYLzhe" ], "assetId": "FDLy2nrmPw8ksc5om25ZCi7Gyy7t1tYfajg6fGGhifkB", "name": "DebbarmaCoin", "quantity": 10000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "We are Debbarma Holdings Pvt Ltd, raising funds to invest in start-ups as accelerators and exit from those start-ups \nby using DebbarmaCoin for transactions.\nEvery year there will two events of reissuing for raising funds where our investors will be notified publicly from our website www.debbarmaholdings.com.\nOur investment portfolios will be listed on our official website where each individual can keep track of acquisition to performance.\nReissue of coins-\n1. For raising funds twice a year we completely give the authority to our investors on how much coins should be reissue as they will be deciding the price in the market, \n2. In case any of our invested start-ups get acquired we might need to issue coins as we want the transaction to happen by DebbarmaCoin hence we will issue the same amount of coins according to the price decided by our investors.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2599843, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

17.84 ms