tx · DMPoQgTHL9tsCCKeQoswz4FQzWcwjHKnk4K5ZjjL3HoP

3PQ9m7KXKJUtemgCkMTwrJ8CU1R1TJzRJ5g:  +36000000000.000 CO2 Cleaner Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.06.15 00:25 [2635286] issue 3PQ9m7KXKJUtemgCkMTwrJ8CU1R1TJzRJ5g > SELF +36000000000.000 CO2 Cleaner Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "DMPoQgTHL9tsCCKeQoswz4FQzWcwjHKnk4K5ZjjL3HoP", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1623705882611, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQ9m7KXKJUtemgCkMTwrJ8CU1R1TJzRJ5g", "senderPublicKey": "Dy9bPzwyHPY4y8XqtEkSuKXUrgrYkKLUx8FjHS2nyYx2", "proofs": [ "2kRZApUfquWpx5v1PwqRgtNbZVqzYQX58LfcJDRVohXTHwBZpHMegoPEjpWVAkwwtfqMaWchq6CwbynF5XMPGoJ5" ], "assetId": "DMPoQgTHL9tsCCKeQoswz4FQzWcwjHKnk4K5ZjjL3HoP", "name": "CO2 Cleaner Coin", "quantity": 36000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "Cryptoassets mining generates CO2 emissions !!\n Don't worry, we clean!\n2 billion trees in the Amazon rainforest being preserved and sequestering 36 million tons of CO2 per year.\nGreenline Associates Forest Preservation Programs (0% deforestation) \nwww.greenlinewy.com\nThis token will be the first with ballast in 100% preserved Amazon Forest, where each 01 ton of CO2 can be completely verified, for the purpose of carrying out the carbon offset (compensation of CO2 emissions) of the crypto mining, mainly the emissions generated by Bitcoin. and Ethereum. \n\n \n\n100% Preserved: it means that the Amazon Forest that will serve as ballast for the tokem, which has legal security, through Contracts for the Cession of Exploration of Intangible Assets of the Forests, which oblige the Assignee (land owner) NOT to EXPLORE the fauna flora, water resources and mineral resources. Forest management, or any activity that causes the imbalance of ecosystems, is expressly prohibited. \n ", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2635286, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

20.68 ms