tx · JC4M1TejPJyy6rJ4mmtw3Y6kePVws9K54wnZZYix732Q

3PPXWqs4Ct19o3mDuA2MBR3LXdRaETrWxbn:  +19999999999.00000000 MDCN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.06.25 17:50 [2650802] issue 3PPXWqs4Ct19o3mDuA2MBR3LXdRaETrWxbn > SELF +19999999999.00000000 MDCN

{ "type": 3, "id": "JC4M1TejPJyy6rJ4mmtw3Y6kePVws9K54wnZZYix732Q", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1624632658030, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPXWqs4Ct19o3mDuA2MBR3LXdRaETrWxbn", "senderPublicKey": "Bw2AiR1mbikn9SHjwKUPpaetdVwy72JNhV8tw69gxM5X", "proofs": [ "X4vKkuQGJXUUaBJwTNnfpWB9tnDPfa4H9inJykcQkaDwDJwJCa9S4TLYMvGNZXAeTAvVpZwonHfQzUefz2oJkof" ], "assetId": "JC4M1TejPJyy6rJ4mmtw3Y6kePVws9K54wnZZYix732Q", "name": "MDCN", "quantity": 1999999999900000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Meadocoin a Digital Marketing and Payment System & Reward for payment. \nOur vision is to build an ecological system around MEADOWCOIN including spaces, working communities, real estate investment applications, eCommerce platforms, cryptocurrency exchanges that are suitable for everyone. This system will encourage the acceptance and utilization of MEADOWCOIN help promote demand and create value for sustainable development in the future.\n\nA real estate investment application, eCommerce platform, the cryptocurrency exchange is designed to maximize the benefits of MEADOWCOIN. The long-term develop- ment-oriented MEADOWCOIN will become one of the used coins widely and replace existing coins. \nMeadow brown Ecosystem\n\nMEADOWCOIN\nMEADOWCOIN uses blockchain to transfer the value and benefits of cryptocurrency holders.\nMEADOWCOIN - exchange\nMEADOWCOIN exchange allows trading and storing cryptocurrencies. In addition, it also pays profits to investors holding MEADOWCOIN.\n\n\n", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2650802, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.98 ms