tx · 6gxebhEmigzqVnGuKWtn9j6oycyxj92oneuwdxMsEPHn

3PD94N6yzFYT4gBLgVh2Fz397wB7eh1sk4Q:  +1400000.0000 WAIT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.10.03 15:54 [2795065] issue 3PD94N6yzFYT4gBLgVh2Fz397wB7eh1sk4Q > SELF +1400000.0000 WAIT

{ "type": 3, "id": "6gxebhEmigzqVnGuKWtn9j6oycyxj92oneuwdxMsEPHn", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1633265657964, "version": 2, "sender": "3PD94N6yzFYT4gBLgVh2Fz397wB7eh1sk4Q", "senderPublicKey": "E4gtUQLViv6XoqCPPA7SvhWUu16PUiECa64hUTRJLH9o", "proofs": [ "3UtZy9EJzicN8VoPCYP2apXHyenpyMMweGRSNFcyqsnV4X9y5DccAkzuAiRXMx9ezpEWtLuH1Do4XU5pWCk1dBbq" ], "assetId": "6gxebhEmigzqVnGuKWtn9j6oycyxj92oneuwdxMsEPHn", "name": "WAIT", "quantity": 14000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "'WAIT INCENTIVE TOKEN' is a cryptocurrency focused incentive project development by originators plus select choice collaborative service agreement 'Propel Digital Personal \nService Corporation' and also initiate 'Propel Digital Private Services Corporation' pursuant a 'Doc Based Blockchain Workflow” where the infrastructure and originality is cultivated in a rugged form. \n\n"WAIT" and/or "WAIT INCENTIVE" innovate process integrating 'Participation Awards' and/or 'Participation Awards Derrivative' "development of “tools and resources " from created workspace to vendor consumer multi-mediums industries.\n\n"WAIT TOKEN" and/or "WAIT INCENTIVE TOKEN" is also 'PDPSC [PDPSC] Collaborative' its governance is secured in initiatives by board agreement assisting participating and other \ninitiatives by collaborative network. \n\nProjects developing by initiative sourced by an approved whitelist originators board governance all partly finance into "WAIT INCENTIVE TOKEN' sometimes indefinitely.\n", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2795065, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

12.64 ms