tx · 7a6SfXYpHC32sbYNk3MKAFMrN1DavqkVZojoU4uT4UD2

3PL4FqgkR25fwoD5rZyLBmgnpAGtTggVhPv:  +11235853211.00000000 PNEUMA
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.11.02 12:18 [2838194] issue 3PL4FqgkR25fwoD5rZyLBmgnpAGtTggVhPv > SELF +11235853211.00000000 PNEUMA

{ "type": 3, "id": "7a6SfXYpHC32sbYNk3MKAFMrN1DavqkVZojoU4uT4UD2", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1635844710829, "version": 2, "sender": "3PL4FqgkR25fwoD5rZyLBmgnpAGtTggVhPv", "senderPublicKey": "2oxJag2d9VMvXjSw9LNcRhonRzBezPP6hVVQMkDPPebK", "proofs": [ "3Z4waJ4rdhX5SjoRYvfY8P5cQuoVRpgDi1tcnen8wX8MekSkwyWGmXtqi1qzuFVZ37oaLi6dQwYX9onGYMe8zL4p" ], "assetId": "7a6SfXYpHC32sbYNk3MKAFMrN1DavqkVZojoU4uT4UD2", "name": "PNEUMA", "quantity": 1123585321100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "We are spirit\nBound to this flesh\nWe go around one foot nailed down\nWe're bound to reach out and beyond\nThis flesh\n\nBecome Pneuma\n\nWe are will and wonder\nBound to recall, remember\nWe are born of\nOne breath, one word\nWe are all\nOne spark, sun becoming\n\nChild, wake up\nChild, release\nThe light\nWake up now, child, wake up\nChild, release\nThe light\nWake up now, child\n\nSpirit\n\nBound to this flesh\nThis guise, this mask, this dream\nWake up, remember\nWe are born of\nOne breath, one word\nWe are all\nOne spark, sun becoming\n\nPneuma\nReach out and beyond\nWake up, remember\nWe are born of\nOne breath, one word\nWe are all\nOne spark, eyes full of wonder", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2838194, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

10.64 ms