tx · 6GT2CcAt6ENrGyfH5YdbMnsy7P1tcvFcQ7GXVhzXrp42

3P8AFFBQDnmduQiCgf4NUkgkDC3KLSUPukg:  +0.01000000 Waves
3PNjNh1oj38s5xXnEqdMc3RhqKvfkGJeqL8:  -0.01500000 Waves

2021.12.20 09:17 [2907204] transfer 3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV > 3P8AFFBQDnmduQiCgf4NUkgkDC3KLSUPukg MountainData() 0.01000000 Waves
2021.12.20 09:17 [2907204] invoke 3PNjNh1oj38s5xXnEqdMc3RhqKvfkGJeqL8 > 3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV MountainData() 0.01000000 Waves

3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV: ID: 12 -> 13
3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV: 13.3: 0
3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV: 13.2: "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain. https://decentralchain.io - https://decentral.exchange"
3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV: 13.1: 1
3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV: 13: "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain."

{ "type": 16, "id": "6GT2CcAt6ENrGyfH5YdbMnsy7P1tcvFcQ7GXVhzXrp42", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1639981060519, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3PNjNh1oj38s5xXnEqdMc3RhqKvfkGJeqL8", "senderPublicKey": "CbpvyYEJ5aXbo3uoEypAqzzGjgd7P4g9BJ6ewjX63dLU", "proofs": [ "2P9YWZwEjReESGBgpUqfXAquxfAdou6tSnvUKquvdAucbA2MC8N21FpA3Vak21qfgkF3hxJF3hEciDc5FhWg9Gf3" ], "dApp": "3PFeMFNg4Rx6GZDDj3ocXgxz4XzD33QAehV", "payment": [ { "amount": 1000000, "assetId": null } ], "call": { "function": "MountainData", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain." }, { "type": "integer", "value": 1 }, { "type": "string", "value": "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain. https://decentralchain.io - https://decentral.exchange" } ] }, "height": 2907204, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 872, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "13", "type": "string", "value": "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain." }, { "key": "13.1", "type": "integer", "value": 1 }, { "key": "13.2", "type": "string", "value": "DecentralChain is the world's first carbonless blockchain. https://decentralchain.io - https://decentral.exchange" }, { "key": "13.3", "type": "integer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "ID", "type": "integer", "value": 13 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3P8AFFBQDnmduQiCgf4NUkgkDC3KLSUPukg", "asset": null, "amount": 1000000 } ], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

16.09 ms