2022.04.27 19:38 [3092544] invoke 3PPUDdmVamM1f7q1Amgp1qon1ZCyt7kTbHQ > 3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG initAuction() 1 DUCK-HIHIHIHH-HR

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3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_isArtefact: false
3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_startPrice: 200000000
3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_description: "I bet now you will buy this particular duck?  Let's be honest. Yes, he is not very special, but does he become bad after that? Yes, he cannot reproduce, but is it really possible to somehow treat him terribly after that? Many people in the world have this problem, but no one condemns them. Why is it expensive? Because he's my friend, and friends can't be sold cheaply (although they shouldn't be sold at all). He's really good, trust me.  Not too convincing? Okay, let's try this then.  She: And what to do with this program? He: Install and grunt She: Installed and grunted, nothing works He: How did you quack? She: Like a duck"
3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_owner: "3PPUDdmVamM1f7q1Amgp1qon1ZCyt7kTbHQ"
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3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_assetId: "4dWFQHBFRccX6KygmxieP9mhfJc8Nwe2qMhtJZ9rxme5"
3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_assetGen: "3PKF3SyLBka7GY8a3P2o7BGZkWPXmzCM14K_2SbgNpKj5JJn7DtH7DRyN7p9o9gSzYnaw6KrB1bjhXGp_di"
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3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: GLOBAL_COUNTER: 12211 -> 12212
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3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG: auction_6E3AaDjAF7oPx4BFLTpopG4V7KspyNEpC9SnqyvvcBxF12211_status: "open"

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36.92 ms