tx · CKN7dkpzNzNMgaeSNp5orrHKoH6G7k6F9kzvpb31cwA2

3PBJ8YCkWPCctppsNBXQ3r8oNYnqshn7LJQ:  +1 OND2-37
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2022.08.29 05:39 [3270653] transfer 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 > 3PBJ8YCkWPCctppsNBXQ3r8oNYnqshn7LJQ IssueNFTSeries() 1 OND2-37
2022.08.29 05:39 [3270653] issue 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 > SELF IssueNFTSeries() 1 OND2-37
2022.08.29 05:39 [3270653] invoke 3PBJ8YCkWPCctppsNBXQ3r8oNYnqshn7LJQ > 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 IssueNFTSeries()

3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesCurrentCounter_OND2: 36 -> 37
3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesEndCounter_OND2: 41 == 41
3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesStartCounter_OND2: 1 == 1

{ "type": 16, "id": "CKN7dkpzNzNMgaeSNp5orrHKoH6G7k6F9kzvpb31cwA2", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1661740849012, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3PBJ8YCkWPCctppsNBXQ3r8oNYnqshn7LJQ", "senderPublicKey": "4Axz75WGLm3g9WnW5XhDzXjx7jBLZaRsgT1iPeq7feRb", "proofs": [ "3hSD9KrJ4xySanaak5ieBkdtJUqD2MLLdCcXZFU1ba4u6R5ztWFvuaCH6AX1dvYcwqiT13T5tBoiVov4SzRbi9H1" ], "dApp": "3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "IssueNFTSeries", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "OND2" } ] }, "height": 3270653, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 308, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "SeriesStartCounter_OND2", "type": "integer", "value": 1 }, { "key": "SeriesEndCounter_OND2", "type": "integer", "value": 41 }, { "key": "SeriesCurrentCounter_OND2", "type": "integer", "value": 37 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3PBJ8YCkWPCctppsNBXQ3r8oNYnqshn7LJQ", "asset": "6Z8QHbj5iwmVv8Kspu77vY9PKpFd5nbhLmvTz82ngASz", "amount": 1 } ], "issues": [ { "assetId": "6Z8QHbj5iwmVv8Kspu77vY9PKpFd5nbhLmvTz82ngASz", "name": "OND2-37", "description": "This is an OND (Open-ended Non-specific Dynamic target) Real Estate NFT. Holders of this NFT will receive a final specific Real Estate NFT when a property is bought. Each of these fractional Real Estate NFT represents fractional ownership in the property to be purchased in the future. Holders agree to all the policies governing this OND NFT in the Agreement Document by allowing this OND NFT to be transferred to their Kross wallet address. Transaction is non refundable after this OND NFTs has been transferred to your Kross wallet address. Link to Agreement doc: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUhfG9xNiUtw7pyVLs124Qd8qzQ8br5S8TxKyNKr3NGNx", "quantity": 1, "decimals": 0, "isReissuable": false, "compiledScript": null, "nonce": 0 } ], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

18.25 ms