tx · GzEcyFq3HGnDBgT9JibebMB9wUj8DZhektw4ZQQS6GDU

3PCJZUg4h4jYzPiYQ4kHeFnFoSArKBKqPTo:  +2000000000.00000 GREEN ENERGY
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2022.11.13 16:38 [3380827] issue 3PCJZUg4h4jYzPiYQ4kHeFnFoSArKBKqPTo > SELF +2000000000.00000 GREEN ENERGY

{ "type": 3, "id": "GzEcyFq3HGnDBgT9JibebMB9wUj8DZhektw4ZQQS6GDU", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1668346728781, "version": 2, "sender": "3PCJZUg4h4jYzPiYQ4kHeFnFoSArKBKqPTo", "senderPublicKey": "JDcDrZqtMdudCCLqrxrLEXT8Pq85sibT3AV1YPy1ehDK", "proofs": [ "5T8qjFeCyksyikvnc4ohmmRTSYx6A3bVNZuKgVTzaNV8YJLzE8QD7BiZUoHYUzF96EVo1eUiqeeBgsQjMsut6Rar" ], "assetId": "GzEcyFq3HGnDBgT9JibebMB9wUj8DZhektw4ZQQS6GDU", "name": "GREEN ENERGY", "quantity": 200000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "Green energy is that which comes from natural sources, such as the sun. Clean energy are those types which do not release pollutants into the air, and renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly being replenished, such as hydropower, wind power or solar energy.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3380827, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

13.79 ms