tx · DxVqSPTYSYcjjCtPJawzWdAae8coEqUjX3pTX7gKKBEW

3P8mb7YyFPdtfHcjLGY46rVPJ9NRZv7wzoy:  +500000000.00 Cleany
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2022.11.21 14:42 [3392244] issue 3P8mb7YyFPdtfHcjLGY46rVPJ9NRZv7wzoy > SELF +500000000.00 Cleany

{ "type": 3, "id": "DxVqSPTYSYcjjCtPJawzWdAae8coEqUjX3pTX7gKKBEW", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1669030883181, "version": 2, "sender": "3P8mb7YyFPdtfHcjLGY46rVPJ9NRZv7wzoy", "senderPublicKey": "EbDBeBcS4PKKZ7ht2z3g1Uye2kjQWgizGaqG5QManARC", "proofs": [ "9BmfhrmxySfJmV6MQjT88QnwWAsYnFw12fsSCpxTB4Srvqr2RfQdfrUwjbchatRx4r8iL1TfjVRk9KU7QbKaFSQ" ], "assetId": "DxVqSPTYSYcjjCtPJawzWdAae8coEqUjX3pTX7gKKBEW", "name": "Cleany", "quantity": 50000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Cleany is an application that rewards system members for supporting the environment in their region. It is based on p2e mechanics: we look for pollution in the city, we clean the place and send a report to the application, after verification we get our CLNY token.\nDaily activity is limited to N-number of reports per day. The application also intends to create an NFT with the result of the work before / after. A total of 500 000 000 tokens will be issued. Tokens will be used for in-app purchases (optional). In the future, it is planned to burn tokens to support the project, as well as the development of application mechanisms. Rewards for top 100 users for N-amount of time. I think that the application and our token will be useful for society and the nature of the world as a whole. \n", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3392244, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

9.27 ms