tx · HHxbLdxgXk6iidw1RB8UhZ3moJ8iG4DiR5xLo9rc868e

3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4:  -0.00500000 Waves

2023.05.24 19:45 [3657776] invoke 3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH > 3PJL8Hn8LACaSBWLQ3UVhctA5cTQLBFwBAP getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY()
2023.05.24 19:45 [3657776] invoke 3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4 > 3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH voteFor()

3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH: %s%d%s__userVoteOnProposal__4__3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4: "%d%d__0__85207205439"
3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH: %s%d__proposalInfo__4: "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-005 User suggestion for disposing WXG tokens:__Instead of burning WXG tokens, send them to VIRES, with a condition that they cannot be borrowed. Thus unlock user balances. When WXG replace all locked tokens, burn all WXG on VIRES.Read more https://waves.exchange/files/WXP-005_EN.pdf__3669215__500000000000000__14263362827657__88318313104518" -> "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-005 User suggestion for disposing WXG tokens:__Instead of burning WXG tokens, send them to VIRES, with a condition that they cannot be borrowed. Thus unlock user balances. When WXG replace all locked tokens, burn all WXG on VIRES.Read more https://waves.exchange/files/WXP-005_EN.pdf__3669215__500000000000000__14263362827657__88403520309957"

{ "type": 16, "id": "HHxbLdxgXk6iidw1RB8UhZ3moJ8iG4DiR5xLo9rc868e", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1684946801370, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4", "senderPublicKey": "5DUD9HDuks1HdqM2A5t5C8fGoVKiafb2zexk9Y7bD4ne", "proofs": [ "2wWYBSD8Wyni8TsmTvT8U9UHKmB7Kb4FUcJBHvcQjJvNE4361v6xF6BhdtVmzqJRh2JS6hdFPXXCo7FhJiURjdwK" ], "dApp": "3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "voteFor", "args": [ { "type": "integer", "value": 4 }, { "type": "boolean", "value": false } ] }, "height": 3657776, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 249, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "%s%d__proposalInfo__4", "type": "string", "value": "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-005 User suggestion for disposing WXG tokens:__Instead of burning WXG tokens, send them to VIRES, with a condition that they cannot be borrowed. Thus unlock user balances. When WXG replace all locked tokens, burn all WXG on VIRES.Read more https://waves.exchange/files/WXP-005_EN.pdf__3669215__500000000000000__14263362827657__88403520309957" }, { "key": "%s%d%s__userVoteOnProposal__4__3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4", "type": "string", "value": "%d%d__0__85207205439" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3PJL8Hn8LACaSBWLQ3UVhctA5cTQLBFwBAP", "call": { "function": "getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY", "args": [ { "type": "String", "value": "3PGwwjQmdbran2EJfGsRJcyQBJxQ7rxTip4" }, { "type": "Int", "value": 3669215 } ] }, "payment": [], "stateChanges": { "data": [], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } } ] } }

25.01 ms