2023.07.31 21:13 [3756060] invoke 3P6fAxtw12pjFhayEfpcUWxgu2BHVCeP78A > 3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc sellNFT() 1 Superhero Vlad
2023.07.31 21:13 [3756060] invoke 3P7aJ4qptwV73ygB2aHd8UZmQbvSigrA4BL > 3P6fAxtw12pjFhayEfpcUWxgu2BHVCeP78A lockAndSellNFT() 1 Superhero Vlad

3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: address_3P7aJ4qptwV73ygB2aHd8UZmQbvSigrA4BL_nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_startSaleAt: 3756060
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: address_3P7aJ4qptwV73ygB2aHd8UZmQbvSigrA4BL_nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo: "3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_seller: "3P7aJ4qptwV73ygB2aHd8UZmQbvSigrA4BL"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_sellerComment: "I am delighted to share with you my first GIF art creation, which I have dedicated an entire month to meticulously crafting. I sincerely hope that you find it enjoyable and appreciate the effort and passion I have invested in this artistic endeavor. Your feedback and encouragement would be highly valued as I continue to refine my skills in the world of GIF art. Thank you for taking the time to view my work."
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_royaltyReceiver: "3P7aJ4qptwV73ygB2aHd8UZmQbvSigrA4BL"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_buyOutAssetId: "WAVES"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_3fGaRgih6R2Z1nEEkey2c96j5gPYb43fj88tL2rVEUKo_buyOutPrice: 777700000

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16.76 ms