tx · 8jTa2MiMvTrEYcQryCF5wVzr2hLPdoP7h5q9VxjeLdTL

3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc:  +1 Surf Babe
3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY:  -1 Surf Babe
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2024.02.08 11:35 [4032831] invoke 3P6fAxtw12pjFhayEfpcUWxgu2BHVCeP78A > 3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc sellNFT() 1 Surf Babe
2024.02.08 11:35 [4032831] invoke 3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY > 3P6fAxtw12pjFhayEfpcUWxgu2BHVCeP78A lockAndSellNFT() 1 Surf Babe

3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: address_3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY_nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_startSaleAt: 4032831
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_seller: "3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_sellerComment: "Highest offer in PUZZLE will be accepted on 16/2/2024.

90% of sale value will go to BBB treasury, invested in BBB & WFS pool.

The project is dedicated to support Waves ecosystem by creating profit for it's holders, increase AMM liquidity and burning XTN and SURF tokens."
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_royaltyReceiver: "3PEtLVxDT8mxAh1SDAn8m7JTGNkdpkaFxBk"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_buyOutAssetId: "HEB8Qaw9xrWpWs8tHsiATYGBWDBtP2S7kcPALrMu43AS"
3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc: nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_buyOutPrice: 2000000000

{ "type": 16, "id": "8jTa2MiMvTrEYcQryCF5wVzr2hLPdoP7h5q9VxjeLdTL", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1707381370842, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY", "senderPublicKey": "8bCz9o3CUTfKKYBmcfJcAwKVKxEmLhGGyULemkcJwtkB", "proofs": [ "hJYcPGxmUqWYkFrTVU13pfGcbPLJooGmR18W5ekFPDoMZgxturb1dxhgfzEqHQCK4LWPTDsAPpUEsCT5oNpVhXr" ], "dApp": "3P6fAxtw12pjFhayEfpcUWxgu2BHVCeP78A", "payment": [ { "amount": 1, "assetId": "E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7" } ], "call": { "function": "lockAndSellNFT", "args": [ { "type": "integer", "value": 2000000000 }, { "type": "string", "value": "HEB8Qaw9xrWpWs8tHsiATYGBWDBtP2S7kcPALrMu43AS" }, { "type": "string", "value": "Highest offer in PUZZLE will be accepted on 16/2/2024.\n\n90% of sale value will go to BBB treasury, invested in BBB & WFS pool.\n\nThe project is dedicated to support Waves ecosystem by creating profit for it's holders, increase AMM liquidity and burning XTN and SURF tokens." } ] }, "height": 4032831, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 291, "stateChanges": { "data": [], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3PATXDVE53rKJtkwXYV3tvuLVS2fDtGtKCc", "call": { "function": "sellNFT", "args": [ { "type": "Int", "value": 2000000000 }, { "type": "String", "value": "HEB8Qaw9xrWpWs8tHsiATYGBWDBtP2S7kcPALrMu43AS" }, { "type": "String", "value": "Highest offer in PUZZLE will be accepted on 16/2/2024.\n\n90% of sale value will go to BBB treasury, invested in BBB & WFS pool.\n\nThe project is dedicated to support Waves ecosystem by creating profit for it's holders, increase AMM liquidity and burning XTN and SURF tokens." } ] }, "payment": [ { "assetId": "E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7", "amount": 1 } ], "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_buyOutPrice", "type": "integer", "value": 2000000000 }, { "key": "nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_buyOutAssetId", "type": "string", "value": "HEB8Qaw9xrWpWs8tHsiATYGBWDBtP2S7kcPALrMu43AS" }, { "key": "nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_royaltyReceiver", "type": "string", "value": "3PEtLVxDT8mxAh1SDAn8m7JTGNkdpkaFxBk" }, { "key": "nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_sellerComment", "type": "string", "value": "Highest offer in PUZZLE will be accepted on 16/2/2024.\n\n90% of sale value will go to BBB treasury, invested in BBB & WFS pool.\n\nThe project is dedicated to support Waves ecosystem by creating profit for it's holders, increase AMM liquidity and burning XTN and SURF tokens." }, { "key": "nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_seller", "type": "string", "value": "3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY" }, { "key": "address_3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY_nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7", "type": "string", "value": "E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7" }, { "key": "address_3PEgVPqJ3NYWbRn1CLELUpuY9KCmragc7sY_nft_E7aNXvACHJyLk2eDS8WECLDTVLkSAHM7GhxeHUyeEcy7_startSaleAt", "type": "integer", "value": 4032831 } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } } ] } }

14.97 ms