tx · 8kcBk9MgMD28egq832AkaAF4TX7PwXapjrUYip7mHRQn

3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH:  +1.00000000 BJORK
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2024.05.14 02:29 [4170949] issue 3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH > SELF +1.00000000 BJORK

{ "type": 3, "id": "8kcBk9MgMD28egq832AkaAF4TX7PwXapjrUYip7mHRQn", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1715642977035, "version": 2, "sender": "3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH", "senderPublicKey": "BwE8ecT2y6UU68HD4E3sFDgQNp5LxxPi4MERzFJ4o9L7", "proofs": [ "3uq2vMHkCyMEcfcJUPPvK2ZdPQsLFBgEdZtGruypTw5xN7ZY7hrRLTW3cvd3KuZD578FSXdUahmTx3jJQgk34py2" ], "assetId": "8kcBk9MgMD28egq832AkaAF4TX7PwXapjrUYip7mHRQn", "name": "BJORK", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Björk began her music career at the age of 11 and first gained international recognition as the lead singer of the alternative rockband the Sugarcubes, whose 1987 single "Birthday" was a hit on UK and US indie stations and a favourite among music critics.[2] After the band's 1992 breakup, Björk embarked on a solo career, coming to prominence with albums such as Debut (1993), Post (1995), and Homogenic (1997), while collaborating with a range of artists and exploring a variety of multimedia projects. Her other albums include Vespertine (2001), Medúlla (2004), Volta (2007), Biophilia(2011), Vulnicura (2015), and Utopia(2017). https://www.popologist.org/post/popological-bjork?postId=c972f441-cbf3-45ba-b63c-5543ab64b574", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 4170949, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

63.28 ms