tx · 8euainA1QwAYCky77MCgVnPgtXKh1Go8vobVgmAbk2zE

3P6heYAbnV4AXxfLnLrFB5PgbzdT3VevNNM:  +110917 Kahn
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.06.05 22:25 [526541] issue 3P6heYAbnV4AXxfLnLrFB5PgbzdT3VevNNM > SELF +110917 Kahn

{ "type": 3, "id": "8euainA1QwAYCky77MCgVnPgtXKh1Go8vobVgmAbk2zE", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1496690698354, "version": 1, "sender": "3P6heYAbnV4AXxfLnLrFB5PgbzdT3VevNNM", "senderPublicKey": "Fuau3jG7kcvrreQCbE2Rki4778vfpBPghsJsjrSDP3Cy", "proofs": [ "5U6t2syMDbEEPKGg4yhcm68LaJbnmxE5hoJUPgRE5bhiDedhfwwN3gnt9Q1NvRhy1rQYb8S7tLdD9rweX1hKCQ9k" ], "signature": "5U6t2syMDbEEPKGg4yhcm68LaJbnmxE5hoJUPgRE5bhiDedhfwwN3gnt9Q1NvRhy1rQYb8S7tLdD9rweX1hKCQ9k", "assetId": "8euainA1QwAYCky77MCgVnPgtXKh1Go8vobVgmAbk2zE", "name": "Kahn", "quantity": 110917, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Commemorative Asset in honor of Dr. Robert Elliot Kahn (Dec 23, 1938) the "Father of the Internet". The total issue of coins is 110,917 because is the date (11/09/17) of the First Summit of Blockchian & Cryptocurrency in Los Cabos, Mexico. In the future Kahns will be delivered as price for the most important people who help blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. KLAA/JCCV, Mexico 2017, [email protected].", "height": 526541, "spentComplexity": 0 }

80.69 ms