tx · 7KHGNGWa5ZiNNgq9FNX1AomcU2PtHz676zfigGTn5kd7

3P8UjreKfi2Mpon58c6fuiY6bE3dKfVdfYm:  +69420 Aids
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.06.12 11:46 [535587] issue 3P8UjreKfi2Mpon58c6fuiY6bE3dKfVdfYm > SELF +69420 Aids

{ "type": 3, "id": "7KHGNGWa5ZiNNgq9FNX1AomcU2PtHz676zfigGTn5kd7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1497257206853, "version": 1, "sender": "3P8UjreKfi2Mpon58c6fuiY6bE3dKfVdfYm", "senderPublicKey": "EimgoUA939LaoinkfvMV648zKtfwN4btBGewuhW9JyqD", "proofs": [ "48JGGRkNHjuNZTU2xb86C5J32Tjb3GYtkxQugHJMEUYuAA5hovamgXD5XLrZQ9budH7Wscp2vnCtgpfZUsKqVGSe" ], "signature": "48JGGRkNHjuNZTU2xb86C5J32Tjb3GYtkxQugHJMEUYuAA5hovamgXD5XLrZQ9budH7Wscp2vnCtgpfZUsKqVGSe", "assetId": "7KHGNGWa5ZiNNgq9FNX1AomcU2PtHz676zfigGTn5kd7", "name": "Aids", "quantity": 69420, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "You're curious, aren't you...\n\nHIV / Aids is the hottest immunodeficiency disorder around, and you've been left out of the party.\n\nFor years, you've yearned for the feeling of HIV coursing through your veins, but you're too shy to contract it yourself.\n\nNever fear! Aids is here!\n\nAids is the first Waves asset to depress and ultimately extinguish your immune system!\n\nYour bloodstream will become an Auschwitz of T-Cell corpses, and Aids is turning up the gas!\n\nYou don't need to be a faggot to get Aids, but it helps!\n\nKill yourself slowly, today!", "height": 535587, "spentComplexity": 0 }

80.21 ms