tx · ASW6KcirJT2hgmr2Fs1YbRNX7Qgtnhf9LXLHNGNHHkMF

3P51NR1p5xAs8U25R4s5BzzbZmTuB476FM4:  +648000000.000 GRAIN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.07.10 22:27 [575131] issue 3P51NR1p5xAs8U25R4s5BzzbZmTuB476FM4 > SELF +648000000.000 GRAIN

{ "type": 3, "id": "ASW6KcirJT2hgmr2Fs1YbRNX7Qgtnhf9LXLHNGNHHkMF", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1499714821217, "version": 1, "sender": "3P51NR1p5xAs8U25R4s5BzzbZmTuB476FM4", "senderPublicKey": "DuzUqYoATA2wArVwQfdGQxbCVgLuyzvN1Q922dsHyPtb", "proofs": [ "4QMrmeCkcLEB9Bqog4F7G4mq5XD6fS5sTEjkBKKDx4WjmC64o7aC9NxuqrX7hUT84FbDus3euEw2FKiKY45BHwMG" ], "signature": "4QMrmeCkcLEB9Bqog4F7G4mq5XD6fS5sTEjkBKKDx4WjmC64o7aC9NxuqrX7hUT84FbDus3euEw2FKiKY45BHwMG", "assetId": "ASW6KcirJT2hgmr2Fs1YbRNX7Qgtnhf9LXLHNGNHHkMF", "name": "GRAIN", "quantity": 648000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "An open-source currency, available for use in any work of fiction; it can be given any number of attributes, which over time will create a unique history of a totally fictional medium of exchange. Initially, it signifies the universal value of one second of unassisted, unenhanced, concentrated human labor. Total supply is finite, and equal to the number of seconds of expected productivity of a typical human worker.", "height": 575131, "spentComplexity": 0 }

81.64 ms