tx · J2GUrpN2SGcyA5UuZsxBbCYs5xQW6BySga3shHAzFWgX

3P87AoZsm6eU4PgB9qcUmFsNfRGKdETyjAM:  +1000000000.000 Agenda
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.07.17 10:15 [584305] issue 3P87AoZsm6eU4PgB9qcUmFsNfRGKdETyjAM > SELF +1000000000.000 Agenda

{ "type": 3, "id": "J2GUrpN2SGcyA5UuZsxBbCYs5xQW6BySga3shHAzFWgX", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1500275715758, "version": 1, "sender": "3P87AoZsm6eU4PgB9qcUmFsNfRGKdETyjAM", "senderPublicKey": "DF31ekb5tyo8FtdiQW7kceJdFrCKYfQ6cAzfxsWQFUTD", "proofs": [ "m4N9PL4voLbrhhveXgPQVvh4AroPy2MuCsGcW51m4PMLPNEFG2hTNL21LGbZDbM3ZhrUE6QhT9YQu6s2JiCPfHK" ], "signature": "m4N9PL4voLbrhhveXgPQVvh4AroPy2MuCsGcW51m4PMLPNEFG2hTNL21LGbZDbM3ZhrUE6QhT9YQu6s2JiCPfHK", "assetId": "J2GUrpN2SGcyA5UuZsxBbCYs5xQW6BySga3shHAzFWgX", "name": "Agenda", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "Agenda - The Only To-Do List With Financial Incentivisation to Accomplish Your Goals and To Develop Discipline In One's Being. \n\nThe Agenda Token Will be the only Token used on our dApp built upon the UBQ blockchain. It will be used as payment to users who verify tasks have been completed via Voting Contracts and to be used as payment for platform participation. This Token Will be Swapped via a UBQ Token in Time at a 1:1 Ratio.", "height": 584305, "spentComplexity": 0 }

73.04 ms