tx · FUWZutDJgtGV7hfUgrfoPKfKZLQ2ejJNE2a33MdnyUt3

3PCJSv2GXC7e5N3epLMQfHDi4SBjkYh9qSp:  +60000000.00000000 Cadastral
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.08 20:07 [615480] issue 3PCJSv2GXC7e5N3epLMQfHDi4SBjkYh9qSp > SELF +60000000.00000000 Cadastral

{ "type": 3, "id": "FUWZutDJgtGV7hfUgrfoPKfKZLQ2ejJNE2a33MdnyUt3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1502212008360, "version": 1, "sender": "3PCJSv2GXC7e5N3epLMQfHDi4SBjkYh9qSp", "senderPublicKey": "8FSCdYeWonmfn73qANxDvAngeAKnMyt94WEnUyNPuRMN", "proofs": [ "67PMeaqmMAuqpXHcewFVxPyH4zqFaLcVw9xQ3gkEy4pqoprpHnXphShYHiJo3hyLbVCDkSn9Gd9WBQhid3W8g7PD" ], "signature": "67PMeaqmMAuqpXHcewFVxPyH4zqFaLcVw9xQ3gkEy4pqoprpHnXphShYHiJo3hyLbVCDkSn9Gd9WBQhid3W8g7PD", "assetId": "FUWZutDJgtGV7hfUgrfoPKfKZLQ2ejJNE2a33MdnyUt3", "name": "Cadastral", "quantity": 6000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Bitland Global has issued the CADASTRAL to represent the Bitland Network. The digital token will be the entry token to utilize the Bitland application to register land titles, settle disputes, sell land, purchase property, and issue microloans for commercial development. 20% of all proceeds will go to a reserve backing the CADASTRAL network. The reserve will keep multiple denominations of currency and commodity, and pledges to keep the currency of any country in which Bitland Global operates as part of the reserve basket. Bitland Global We Put The World Back On The Map", "height": 615480, "spentComplexity": 0 }

64.41 ms