tx · 9pmyUxhYgyHMqoySQUoiUfijDbX876s7UvdQvKazFApS

3PMgq8sKr7UTWQMAyxz1DLTxj6SYKwpZVrN:  +1000000.00 REIT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.11 14:46 [619317] issue 3PMgq8sKr7UTWQMAyxz1DLTxj6SYKwpZVrN > SELF +1000000.00 REIT

{ "type": 3, "id": "9pmyUxhYgyHMqoySQUoiUfijDbX876s7UvdQvKazFApS", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1502451930377, "version": 1, "sender": "3PMgq8sKr7UTWQMAyxz1DLTxj6SYKwpZVrN", "senderPublicKey": "3KvyRBi67VXAmGB2MzDDXgdQokE2MkdURTC3QsTMwojy", "proofs": [ "HCeQqcvfQsU46n8Y2uWYLHGDJJfpfrHRbzNSZ8EgnuDtPSWDr7eaxiLNj28PkKwqGQjp6Fdf1xEf7NPAiCcPDcb" ], "signature": "HCeQqcvfQsU46n8Y2uWYLHGDJJfpfrHRbzNSZ8EgnuDtPSWDr7eaxiLNj28PkKwqGQjp6Fdf1xEf7NPAiCcPDcb", "assetId": "9pmyUxhYgyHMqoySQUoiUfijDbX876s7UvdQvKazFApS", "name": "REIT", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Project about investing in real estate funds with 5 % per year objective returns. Profit come from leasing properties. The target region will be mainly Europe but could be diversified on other regions if opportunities arise. Long term investment preferably (some funds ask to keep the capital invested for at least 3 years). The asset is re-issuable but can be later changed to non re-issuable if the investor community decide so.", "height": 619317, "spentComplexity": 0 }

76.02 ms