tx · F8qrCBWrx8ZJ8eRBRDbNGFCmCJi2hRNtHk8eV77b31Hb

3PDRpwAjpSGkw2opPkG9DFucc7SrTrR2tsV:  +10000000.00000000 Roundtable
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.20 00:18 [631139] issue 3PDRpwAjpSGkw2opPkG9DFucc7SrTrR2tsV > SELF +10000000.00000000 Roundtable

{ "type": 3, "id": "F8qrCBWrx8ZJ8eRBRDbNGFCmCJi2hRNtHk8eV77b31Hb", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1503177358212, "version": 1, "sender": "3PDRpwAjpSGkw2opPkG9DFucc7SrTrR2tsV", "senderPublicKey": "TES7XWMVayaPmsKh5x5BmxkQ96Pr4QnHowUygkBxXwE", "proofs": [ "2tn9f6S9pEZ6RdXPvdiFPm2fy6AA8X65mRMAnWRp7X78PyRLMfvx4RkK8z15RpRgfp69bf14anXSJ1GeAGHeQ89D" ], "signature": "2tn9f6S9pEZ6RdXPvdiFPm2fy6AA8X65mRMAnWRp7X78PyRLMfvx4RkK8z15RpRgfp69bf14anXSJ1GeAGHeQ89D", "assetId": "F8qrCBWrx8ZJ8eRBRDbNGFCmCJi2hRNtHk8eV77b31Hb", "name": "Roundtable", "quantity": 1000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "We strive for equality in the world and will use any value to make the world better for the ones in need. Any investment in this project will be used for our charity startup to help the lost children of the world without home, santuary or daily bread. Our thanks goes out to anyone willing to invest, donate or work the market.", "height": 631139, "spentComplexity": 0 }

91.05 ms