tx · EZgUKSM8TATCbYN7ZMAj86cgx3a75qyF4RSTFg2i5jZP

3PEnSFn2J4gxTz4SpojVGLkwNcEL7RsQxev:  +4562500.000000 DucksCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.09.12 13:18 [663745] issue 3PEnSFn2J4gxTz4SpojVGLkwNcEL7RsQxev > SELF +4562500.000000 DucksCoin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "EZgUKSM8TATCbYN7ZMAj86cgx3a75qyF4RSTFg2i5jZP", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1505211437367, "version": 1, "sender": "3PEnSFn2J4gxTz4SpojVGLkwNcEL7RsQxev", "senderPublicKey": "4nXzzXSSHTY1ewfC7dUm3YgdwnFF2DbWW73bGnuq1VYR", "proofs": [ "25aFzJEZFGwqPwD6xEXqGe19BzgSw5Dj7uiBG8rLVrQrzfcpXydrFL5puuXu5xjeG1UUcv3koQsMFb3DbCNneKek" ], "signature": "25aFzJEZFGwqPwD6xEXqGe19BzgSw5Dj7uiBG8rLVrQrzfcpXydrFL5puuXu5xjeG1UUcv3koQsMFb3DbCNneKek", "assetId": "EZgUKSM8TATCbYN7ZMAj86cgx3a75qyF4RSTFg2i5jZP", "name": "DucksCoin", "quantity": 4562500000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 6, "description": "Coin for coffee consuming around 2 billion and a half coffee cups per day in the world, in Italy (my country) is home to the largest and most exporter in the world of roasted coffee, there are over 140,000 bars, where every 7 billion espresso cups are consumed each year. The idea was born in the bar of my friend Bar Ducks, hence the name of the coin.\nTotal Token are calculated based on these numbers:\n2.5 Billion Coffee a Day\n365 days a year\n5 years duration of the project\nequal to 4,562,500,000,000 cups of coffee.\nTotal Token = 4,562,500,000,000", "height": 663745, "spentComplexity": 0 }

65.75 ms