tx · 2zJuhZ91BVYLAiiqwujByYa4Ah1e7uau2oWjZ3BXUxgi

3PPYARWuRvh9HGNZgCpB4RfjskJmpDHwood:  +18000000000 MNZ (Monkey)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.09.15 16:56 [668161] issue 3PPYARWuRvh9HGNZgCpB4RfjskJmpDHwood > SELF +18000000000 MNZ (Monkey)

{ "type": 3, "id": "2zJuhZ91BVYLAiiqwujByYa4Ah1e7uau2oWjZ3BXUxgi", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1505483714018, "version": 1, "sender": "3PPYARWuRvh9HGNZgCpB4RfjskJmpDHwood", "senderPublicKey": "81z9oQfZG76G8AemdWiSziRvhCWUDuPa1KpJPaqJx2Xz", "proofs": [ "5Fy92sgQMNk4RCHV6Kcbzy3SevEC4QqCnCD3KHVeW2vCLZvKj9bFj3imi1hTcuUgFcdHCdUkoJVNi6XCtftqmRVF" ], "signature": "5Fy92sgQMNk4RCHV6Kcbzy3SevEC4QqCnCD3KHVeW2vCLZvKj9bFj3imi1hTcuUgFcdHCdUkoJVNi6XCtftqmRVF", "assetId": "2zJuhZ91BVYLAiiqwujByYa4Ah1e7uau2oWjZ3BXUxgi", "name": "MNZ (Monkey)", "quantity": 18000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "MNZ is a DMH&CO-issued token that has the properties of the ZUR Blockchain and COEVAL combined (ZUR Blockchain produces ZUR via mining algorithms and COEVAL produces Parent and Child Tokens via Monkey's partnerships with other external ICO's). The rate of purchase is pre-decided by the committee (e.g. 1 MNZ = 0.1 MNY, 0.5 ZUS, 0.2 COA)", "height": 668161, "spentComplexity": 0 }

64.27 ms