tx · 2FE4KGao9bFKVRJNJWQpvKxh3DXmF65AvjNDdCovXHhk

3PE4ayoZ17tAzmnS8UQZMNzLeceeHLytdwK:  +9809767979.00000000 Infinity-BTC
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2024.01.16 16:57 [3999933] issue 3PE4ayoZ17tAzmnS8UQZMNzLeceeHLytdwK > SELF +9809767979.00000000 Infinity-BTC

{ "type": 3, "id": "2FE4KGao9bFKVRJNJWQpvKxh3DXmF65AvjNDdCovXHhk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1705413481456, "version": 2, "sender": "3PE4ayoZ17tAzmnS8UQZMNzLeceeHLytdwK", "senderPublicKey": "CPLcEYNUugz9VLFWGfeFpxtDDWH9D87BA51Fip29akfb", "proofs": [ "5D6J9HdgX3BWeedZbvZvDFHQXZqiPQzBVBXfUz2SkmfZR1G2kua4BeUGkWZkymZrrBtdveUHRXgWCRYTiQxGC1yM" ], "assetId": "2FE4KGao9bFKVRJNJWQpvKxh3DXmF65AvjNDdCovXHhk", "name": "Infinity-BTC", "quantity": 980976797900000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Infinity Crypto Coin (ICC) is a revolutionary digital currency merging economic growth and environmental responsibility. With blockchain transparency, ICC pioneers eco-friendly mining, reducing its carbon footprint. Decentralization ensures global financial inclusion, empowering the unbanked. Smart contracts streamline processes, promoting efficiency. Community-driven initiatives foster user engagement, and unique incentives encourage eco-friendly practices, creating a positive impact on the environment. ICC serves as a catalyst for global economic growth, facilitating borderless transactions and financial collaboration. Committed to sustainability, ICC invests in educational initiatives, empowering users for a greener future. Despite challenges, ICC remains agile, adapting to ensure a positive, lasting impact on the world. ICC envisions a harmonious coexistence between economic progress and ecological well-being, embodying a brighter, more sustainable future.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3999933, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

10.82 ms