tx · 2GAyiCwWfVmbo7CXVsYoFwsv1TEHJVZXg8vL2wYvsn12

3PNDqgpkQVwumuhe1vn1eSFivbt9WwoHwMf:  +18000000000.00000 AT18coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.12 22:24 [833706] issue 3PNDqgpkQVwumuhe1vn1eSFivbt9WwoHwMf > SELF +18000000000.00000 AT18coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "2GAyiCwWfVmbo7CXVsYoFwsv1TEHJVZXg8vL2wYvsn12", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1515785121386, "version": 1, "sender": "3PNDqgpkQVwumuhe1vn1eSFivbt9WwoHwMf", "senderPublicKey": "7GCvz3cphHMFJEnQTdnaPENLfkMzyZjaWm6J6TNc17E4", "proofs": [ "2LVrzdatRXS7rNgfKjJNWFiuzEvXVqXLChyvZLGuAWCV8DDt8M5AThpwdyMNNnhK7tTLXhyR6JbyujdjDC95MN5K" ], "signature": "2LVrzdatRXS7rNgfKjJNWFiuzEvXVqXLChyvZLGuAWCV8DDt8M5AThpwdyMNNnhK7tTLXhyR6JbyujdjDC95MN5K", "assetId": "2GAyiCwWfVmbo7CXVsYoFwsv1TEHJVZXg8vL2wYvsn12", "name": "AT18coin", "quantity": 1800000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "Fully Decentralized Blockcain Protocol. Based on the Wavesplatform for perfect userbase-performance and scaling abilities. \n\nThe Coin is used for paying by (online) stores, garages and houses / rental-solutions. You can use the Coin also for buying clothes, food & drinks. Pay worldwide within 3 seconds and less than $ 0,001 Dollar (USD)! Only with the Waves-App (iOS and Android based): \n1. Just scan the QR-code\n2. Choose the amount\n3. Check, Send and Pay\nReceiving payments are free!\n\nAfter year 2025 we only accept payments with AT18coin and Waves!\n\n- Get your Coins on the Waves-Exchange.", "height": 833706, "spentComplexity": 0 }

54.37 ms