tx · 2L75MHtMTB4nPgYNEaspux9GB9TNvxvd79GpdSu9CoJB

3P6NevvmDCkCe1Hv7Zdve31vjXj5Q8gdtpv:  +20000000.00000000 Venious
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.02.27 09:56 [896591] issue 3P6NevvmDCkCe1Hv7Zdve31vjXj5Q8gdtpv > SELF +20000000.00000000 Venious

{ "type": 3, "id": "2L75MHtMTB4nPgYNEaspux9GB9TNvxvd79GpdSu9CoJB", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1519714598884, "version": 1, "sender": "3P6NevvmDCkCe1Hv7Zdve31vjXj5Q8gdtpv", "senderPublicKey": "nxRP4rbMfDLZgss44qjL2vRDfbqD1tBxq3uePwUDJfU", "proofs": [ "2dqCBMANi6tXX9yLwkWDQG4XuLKwiKnUmdustULK7KvfMN1H86Cp3pUDsAiynu6KTTXM6981HLbgumLBmMJ396B9" ], "signature": "2dqCBMANi6tXX9yLwkWDQG4XuLKwiKnUmdustULK7KvfMN1H86Cp3pUDsAiynu6KTTXM6981HLbgumLBmMJ396B9", "assetId": "2L75MHtMTB4nPgYNEaspux9GB9TNvxvd79GpdSu9CoJB", "name": "Venious", "quantity": 2000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Venious (VNS) is a Waves blockchain system token. Where you can buy and sell on Waves DEX exchanger. \n\nWebsite for VNS soon will be publish. \nVenious will list on Coin Market Cap portal and other exchanger too. \n\nBUY and HODL, and wait for the price of Venious to get high.\n\nVenious Proof of Stake (PoS) will start distribute token on May 2018, this process continue until complete 500,000 VNS.\n\nThank you and long life for Venious (VNS)", "height": 896591, "spentComplexity": 0 }

52.68 ms