tx · 2RrpNmBbvzSZrb8Qp2frQEbQJvX4DNpnoEor78RWK7EP

3P3qrPeeFxg83Vm3xQ4YP1PupoUUAMBXtDA:  +6214621.00000000 MINH
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.19 02:03 [842225] issue 3P3qrPeeFxg83Vm3xQ4YP1PupoUUAMBXtDA > SELF +6214621.00000000 MINH

{ "type": 3, "id": "2RrpNmBbvzSZrb8Qp2frQEbQJvX4DNpnoEor78RWK7EP", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1516316781771, "version": 1, "sender": "3P3qrPeeFxg83Vm3xQ4YP1PupoUUAMBXtDA", "senderPublicKey": "22HoF5tCLzHWMA1kFnKap7xSde25eZ1KoURSPc2HJgX1", "proofs": [ "3mYesqSg1JP27u4nL7REx23HjUkmGqN2cFCpwgfYFBMKdx6XSRgXoxo4hDNDj6ioQaiUnBe2Ghp8YmkTP5rDu8xQ" ], "signature": "3mYesqSg1JP27u4nL7REx23HjUkmGqN2cFCpwgfYFBMKdx6XSRgXoxo4hDNDj6ioQaiUnBe2Ghp8YmkTP5rDu8xQ", "assetId": "2RrpNmBbvzSZrb8Qp2frQEbQJvX4DNpnoEor78RWK7EP", "name": "MINH", "quantity": 621462100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Ho Chi Minh Token is made to replace the QT which trades on Yobit Exchange: \nhttps://yobit.net/en/trade/MINH/BTC\nThe MINH wallet is not accepting deposits, so this will replace it. Coin count on 18th Jan 2018 is 6214621.77969586 at block 45616. I am issuing 6,214,621 tokens to swap for coins. In future, the Waves client can be used instead of the MINH QT. The Bitbucket repo for MINH is:\nhttps://bitbucket.org/yalta1945/minh/overview\nI have added a Bitbucket repo for the token at the same address: \nhttps://bitbucket.org/yalta1945/minhtoken", "height": 842225, "spentComplexity": 0 }

55.06 ms