tx · 2rBuVN8ohZuuuVap1ytFhDXDbzmEhFka8NrSp39S11vW

3PCNkV8aLTivHa6Nyx1enwg3ZT5qgTLrtRQ:  +1 Bad Boyz 5
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00100000 Waves

2022.01.01 06:58 [2924401] issue 3PCNkV8aLTivHa6Nyx1enwg3ZT5qgTLrtRQ > SELF +1 Bad Boyz 5

{ "type": 3, "id": "2rBuVN8ohZuuuVap1ytFhDXDbzmEhFka8NrSp39S11vW", "fee": 100000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1641009474788, "version": 2, "sender": "3PCNkV8aLTivHa6Nyx1enwg3ZT5qgTLrtRQ", "senderPublicKey": "8aS9d3ghLaefJuQBvapWUnqfDe61BrzHn5C2MREbcXUa", "proofs": [ "46S9ES4vR9477rWSwtHb8U4MMy5Sjqr4M2XBoXkB1LN8zpvbn8tq9Py2dzsUp4xC3xMVLL5tbKAGS53TfT8EzuhA" ], "assetId": "2rBuVN8ohZuuuVap1ytFhDXDbzmEhFka8NrSp39S11vW", "name": "Bad Boyz 5", "quantity": 1, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Bad Boyz 5 NFT is a unique art of the BadBoyzTimz brand. Benefits of owning this Art NFT includes:\n\n- unique art ownership of the Badboytimz brand \n\n- can be resold for a higher price anytime on hashgreed marketplace only \n\n- Have access to 2 free VIP concert tickets within Nigeria once a year for 5 years.\n\n- One business booster on Badboytimz IG page annually till perpetuity\n\n\n - Follows Badboytimz and his crew for free to a concert within Africa \n\n\nHash: 5f02dd39fdeb1618752189d9efb90301729091ff2ec92c52cf04801eb23c0e95\n\nIpfs link: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQt4cimxzxvrAVGATcLgAXnvXoGRjJSBw5zqjxWDr5itc\n\nCreated by BadBoyTimz", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2924401, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

11.73 ms