3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa:  +21000000000.00000000 Hydrogen
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.10.11 07:05 [703752] issue 3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa > SELF +21000000000.00000000 Hydrogen spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "GTTjWJcEPkmpNCBQSnhXLNYL6fCWWXTjMdEQynpEb9r4", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1507694435646, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa", "senderPublicKey": "89BLiHnBhvxDgLpbFNyd6h5LyrcQxsTcCdVvK97crf2s", "proofs": [ "5QskJXBW5iB23Evpf8zNwyevXzmUFmTuGFcpb5ThpJckBh3BrfKxkS7vQ4Rhe6GVYhrjyD7zp2MrCBtwabBr7taT" ], "signature": "5QskJXBW5iB23Evpf8zNwyevXzmUFmTuGFcpb5ThpJckBh3BrfKxkS7vQ4Rhe6GVYhrjyD7zp2MrCBtwabBr7taT", "assetId": "GTTjWJcEPkmpNCBQSnhXLNYL6fCWWXTjMdEQynpEb9r4", "name": "Hydrogen", "quantity": 2100000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "World's 1st www Universe designed by a Canadian artist Alexander Braun to showcase a web page beyond just a digital brochure. theUniverse.name serves as a front end to the crypto universe where crypto matter can be obtained, manipulated, played with, showcased, and traded. The Ring Of Periodic Elements (TROPE) marketplace is where crypto H (Hydrogen) coins can be converted into other crypto elements, thus eight H coins can be converted to one O (Oxygen) coin, then combined with two H coins into crypto molecule of H2O (water), that can be displayed & traded.\n\nThe TROPE game is played in a single or multiplayer mode. As an app, website, and a table version. The two dice roll produces H points that are spent to acquire other elements. When the last element [118] is obtained the game ends and the highest total atomic number wins. \n\nJoin the world's 1st online universe and start creating crypto matter and life!", "height": 703752, "spentComplexity": 0 }

67.70 ms