tx · 8jJzsVoiQwnviTn6UNTs6LDXw8wi5YmRjRnGJCyrdzqL

3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa:  +6000000000.000000 NEOISM
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.10.11 07:11 [703757] issue 3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa > SELF +6000000000.000000 NEOISM

{ "type": 3, "id": "8jJzsVoiQwnviTn6UNTs6LDXw8wi5YmRjRnGJCyrdzqL", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1507695003582, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4FeRo8gv7iusumtSzbe9ibs4Cddkr4TPa", "senderPublicKey": "89BLiHnBhvxDgLpbFNyd6h5LyrcQxsTcCdVvK97crf2s", "proofs": [ "4KNKxMiHrjC46b8VwVQGFU2f8ohGJ72rpxzLXkQVJSUWdv3ea686F2QJwb4iHrEVF1n3FpbmzGUZa4shizwWL2CY" ], "signature": "4KNKxMiHrjC46b8VwVQGFU2f8ohGJ72rpxzLXkQVJSUWdv3ea686F2QJwb4iHrEVF1n3FpbmzGUZa4shizwWL2CY", "assetId": "8jJzsVoiQwnviTn6UNTs6LDXw8wi5YmRjRnGJCyrdzqL", "name": "NEOISM", "quantity": 6000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "Neoism is a parodistic -ism. It refers both to a specific subcultural network of artistic performance and media experimentalists, and more generally to a practical underground philosophy. It operates with collectively shared pseudonyms and identities, pranks, paradoxes, plagiarism and fakes, and has created multiple contradicting definitions of itself in order to defy categorization and historization.\n\nNeoism, as a name for a different context, was coined in 1914 by the American satirist Franklin P. Adams as a parody of modern arts.[3] Sydney J. Bounds used the word as the name of a planet in his 1977 Science Fiction story No Way Back.[4] In 1979, the name was reinitiated by Istvan Kantor aka Monty Cantsin for a subcultural -ism that grew out of the mail art network, particularly those parts of mail art that emphasized - rather than the exchange of artwork - alternative lifestyles, pranks, practical jokes, the use of pseudonyms and experimentation with identity.\n\nJOIN NEOIST REVOLUTION", "height": 703757, "spentComplexity": 0 }

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